From beginners to advanced, I believe it is essential for all levels of students to know these pentascales as they are the building blocks for understanding chords, scales, modes, and more. This post is specifically dedicated to how I boost student knowledge and playing of five-finger patterns traveling around the circle of keys. It makes sense to begin with five-finger patterns as they easily fit under the hand. interactive resource for further information is the iReal Pro 32-bar song. The theory-packed ring breathes life into and logically connects to just about every aspect of music theory. uses IV 7in bar 2 7 Turnaround: uses Vin bar 12 to lead back to the tonic. From what I can tell, Band in a Box (BiB. Another turn-off is running the iReal program on the small iPad screen, with small speakers. I find the sound too tinny, I guess and would rather practice to my own backing track, which is just simple chords run through a looper. There's no better way to work around these technical challenges than by circling the circle of keys. I have iReal Pro but haven’t bonded to it. Building patterns in the hands will build a strong player, reader and improviser. Especially at the moment with the Covid-19 lockdown, it’s especially important for musicians to keep. As a pianist, there's no way around technical exercises if you want to train fingers in the way they should go. 276 11K views 2 years ago iRealPro is a gem: it helps with practice, education and for gigs.